DR. Chris Oswald
Chiropractor, CEO

Dr. Chris Oswald owns and operates The Centre for Fitness Health and Performance in Toronto, Canada. Nationally ranked athletes, leading Canadian performers and musicians, and members of Toronto’s business elite are among his patients.
He received his Bachelor of Science, specializing in Human Biology & Human Kinetics, from the University of Guelph in 1984 and graduated as Doctor of Chiropractic, from the Canadian Memorial Chiropractic College in 1988. Respected as one of North America’s leading authorities, Dr. Oswald is a regular contributor and lecturer for the Canadian Memorial Chiropractic College, Northwestern Health Sciences University and the Canadian Chiropractic Association. Furthermore, he was recognized by the Canadian Chiropractic Association as one of the professions top 20 leaders. Dr. Oswald has written and delivered many speeches on future health-care trends, doctor-patient communication, stretching, exercising, and ergonomics.
Dr. Oswald is also the founder and creator of MuscleCare, a product line ranging from topical ointments, to ergonomic pillows, to back supports. His dissatisfaction with industry standards led him to develop these products as he wanted to offer his patients a proven and safe method to reduce their pain and symptoms at home.
Dr. Chris also developed the JustStretch program which is delivered here at the clinic as well as in 1,200 massage spas across the USA.
Chris, his three daughters, Shannon his perfect partner, and their son all live in Toronto and enjoy a passion for sports and fitness.

The Jaw & Facial Pain Centre is a subdivision of The Centre for Fitness, Health and Performance. This multidisciplinary clinic is home to the rest of our health care team. Follow the link to learn more www.cffhp.com or call now at (416) 972-6279.